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Tourmaline Biseki EX Cream (80g)

4.1 (433 reviews)
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No.2126 Ms. K.T, Osaka, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2014-08-05

"It helps to firm slackened skin on the face. I look forward to more effects."

The face has been lifted since I started to use the Biseki cream a month ago. It helps to firm slackened skin on the face. I found when I looked into the mirror while bending down my head. I look forward to more effects.
No.2122 Mr. M.S, Hokkaido, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2014-08-02

"I no longer have knee pain when I play golf. I can walk smoothly. "

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I found an advertisement of this cream by chance when I visited a golf related website and I immediately ordered it. I do not know similar products supplied by others.

I am happy because: I love playing golf. I had had pain in the left knee which may be osteoarthritis since the year before last. I needed to take medication before playing. I stopped taking it because it upset my stomach. I have been applying this cream for 10 days. I have played golf 4 times since then.

The knee works hard when I make a shot from a slope or on the green. I felt uneasy before making a shot when ball got down within the teeing ground or from a bad lie. The symptoms gradually improved. I no longer walk with a limp on the green.

Other comments: I have pain in the joints between the middle/third fingers of both hands. The joints do not move smoothly. I apply this cream as the symptoms slightly improve.
No.2121 Mr. H.S, Fukuoka, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2014-08-01

"I will continue this treatment for a while as I may soon find a tourmaline effect. "

I am happy because: You recommended a 80g pot when I called you. However, I decided to purchase a 30g pot because I was not sure if it would really work. I will continue this treatment for a while as I may soon find a tourmaline effect.

Other comments: The instruction manual includes "Effective knee care" but it does not say when I should do this treatment. e.g. after bathing, before going to bed

[From Ion Trading] Thank you for your feedback. We suggest you should do this treatment after bathing. Of course, you can do it twice a day so that it will be more effective. e.g. morning and night
No.2120 Mr. S.N, Okayama, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2014-07-25

"I will continue this treatment as I hope I will recover completely."

This cream works. I will continue this treatment as I hope I will recover completely.
No.2117 Ms. K, Kochi, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2014-07-25

"I applied this cream to the knee as I had pain caused by exercise. The foot felt lighter. It is easier to go up/down the stairs. "

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I found this product when I was googling for a remedy for a torn meniscus and associated knee pain. I got interested in this tourmaline cream as it was used at chiropractic clinics and esthetic salons.

I am happy because: I had treatment at a chiropractic clinic for 3 years as I had knee pain/minor meniscus tear caused by exercise. I found an immediate effect. The foot felt lighter when I stood up after applying this cream. The pain eased and the skin became smooth after I applied it several time, so I ordered other Biseki cosmetic products as well. It is easier to go up/down the stairs.

Other comments: I am happy with this cream and other products.
No.2116 Mr. T.I, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2014-07-25

"A friend of mine had terrible knee pain. The pain eased in 30 minutes. He called me. "

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I was skeptical but decided to try this product after I read reviews written by users.

I am happy because: I met a friend of mine at a Karaoke party. He had been absent from work for a week due to the pain but he came to see me. I googled to search for a remedy for him, found a review saying "Pain disappeared in 40 minutes." and placed an order even though I was skeptical.

The pain eased in 30 minutes. He called me. I also advised him to try rehabilitation therapy introduced on a TV program along with this treatment. He is happy because the terrible pain has gone away. Thank you.
No.2115 Mr. Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Fukuoka, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2014-07-25

"It was hard to walk because of patellofemoral pain. I have recovered and I can walk almost normally. "

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I purchased a 30g pot in May. The pain has eased since then. This is my 3rd purchase.

I am happy because: I suffered from patellofemoral knee pain. The pain has eased since I started to apply this cream. I purchased a 30g pot and then a 80g pot. I have recovered and I can walk almost normally. 50 days have passed since I started to use this cream. I have got another 80g pot for "just in case". I apply it when the pain is likely to appear or I get exhausted.

This cream is good for me. It was hard to walk before I started to use this product but I have recovered and I can walk almost normally. You may not believe but it is true that the pain has eased. I recommend this product to those of you who suffer from patellofemoral knee/back pain.
No.2114 Mr. Hirokichi Yokoyama, Gifu, Japan
Verified user
2 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2014-07-22

"Pain in the right knee has greatly eased since I started to use this product 20 days ago. "

Pain in the right knee has greatly eased. I started to use this product 20 days ago. I would recommend this cream to my friends if it were affordable.
No.2107 Ms. M.A, Hokkaido, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2014-07-14

"My husband is happy because red spots on the forehead caused by subclinical acne rosacea started to fade."

My husband has been using this tourmaline cream. He is happy because red spots on the forehead caused by subclinical acne rosacea started to fade. He is looking forward to more tourmaline effects.
No.2106 Ms. A.H, Hokkaido, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2014-07-14

"The face no longer swells up when I wake up and the skin is firmed. This is the best cream for face lifting I have ever used. "

I am happy because: I was searching for a product to treat sagging skin and periorbital dark circles under the eyes. I was impressed when I used this cream for the first time. Pores on the face shrank and the skin became as smooth as pottery as soon as I applied it.

I apply it before going to bed as the face no longer swells up when I wake up in the morning and the skin is firmed. I use facial equipment and do massage on a regular basis. I cannot imagine how this cream would work because I have never before done such treatment.This is the best cream for face lifting I have ever used. However, it will take some time to get rid of the periorbital dark circles under the eyes. I found a review saying this product helped to get rid of bruises and blemishes, so I hope it may also work for dark spots.

I am not happy because: I would be happier if you offered a special discount, so that I could get this product at an affordable price. 20-50% discounts would be great instead of 10%.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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