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Customer Reviwes

Air Ion Counter Tester for Ore EB-17

4.8 (23 reviews)
US$1700.00 Purchase
1 - 10 of 23 
No.240 Mr. Y.W, Okinawa, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"It helps us to promote our products because the figures it provides convince customers!"

I have just purchased this product as it was suggested by a friend of mine. The figures it provides gives a better and clear understanding of materials, which is great for promoting our products. I am happy with this ion counter.
No.4026 Ms. A.G, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2023-08-13

"Numbers shown on the display are large enough to read easily. It is easy to operate. The measurement time is short."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: Your website provides comparisons with other models and examples of applications. It also clearly explains how to use this counter.

Detailed review: This model is great for ores, ore powder, and development of ore products. Numbers shown on the display are large enough to read easily. It is easy to operate. The measurement time is short. I am happy with the specially designed soft case as it is smaller than I imagined.
No.239 Mr. S.U, Hyogo, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"It helped us to decide which materials to use!"

We are researching new building materials. The figures provided by the ion counter helped us to understand materials properties in order to decide which ones to use. We are now planning to order the air ion counter (air suction type). Thank you for this great product.
No.3781 Mr. I.O, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2021-12-26

"I have just started to use it. I would be happy if you could provide standard ion counts for my reference."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: A friend of mine recommended this high performance model.

Detailed review: I have just started to use it. I would be happy if you could provide standard ion counts for my reference.
No.398 Mr. B.C, Selangor, Malaysia
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"The meter is simple and easy to use with hassle free maintenance needed!"

I am very glad to purchase the Ore Ion counter recently for my own research in negative ion project. The meter is simple and easy to use with hassle free maintenance needed. Now i have a clearer picture and better understanding on the negative ion produce from my research project with the help of the ion counter. I will definitely introduce to my co-workers to purchase this meter as well.
No.3703 Mr. S.O, Chiba, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2021-06-02

"I was impressed with the great service. "

You sincerely answered my question when I contacted you. I was impressed with the great service. I will purchase from you again. Thank you!
No.852 Mr. B.C, Selangor, Malaysia
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2010-04-03

"Easy to use ion tester, it provide me with more information and data!"

I am happy on your easy to use ion tester and it provide me with more information and data on the ion products that i am doing research on.
No.1704 Mr. S.S, Hyogo, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2013-03-25

"I am happy because it helps me to convince customers as it shows the actual ion counts. "

I am happy because: We design rooms where you can have hormesis effects. This product helps me to convince potential customers as it shows the actual ion counts. I decided to purchase it when I called you because you provided a clear explanation about the product.

I am not happy because: None
No.1736 Mr. E, Kyoto, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2013-04-25

"My customers are happy because this counter is good for pre-delivery inspection."

My customers use this ion counter for pre-delivery inspection. They are very impressed with the functions. One of my customers has a question. Is it possible to measure the ion count in the room after completion of the work. If possible, please let me know how to do that.

[From Ion Trading] This model is designed to measure negative ions generated by radioactive substances such as Monazite and Silica. If you measure negative ions generated by the discharging or water splashing method, you need an ion counter employing a cylindrical or parallel flat plate detector.
No.3698 Mr. N.M, Kanagawa, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2021-05-24

"It is easy to operate. I am amazed at quick measurement."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I thought it would be easy to use.

Detailed review: It is easy to operate. I am amazed at quick measurement. I hope you will continue to supply great products.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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Universal Plan Co., Ltd.
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Phone: +81-42-848-5311 Fax: +81-42-848-5148
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