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High-Density Ionizer/Negative Ion Generator - Medical Ion Mini with Ion Detector

4.5 (429 reviews)
US$367.52 Purchase

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No.379 Mr. A.C, Selangor, Malaysia
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"Ever since I got the Medical Ion Mini, I felt so much better and the pains is gradually fading away!"

An excellent Product that works amazingly!! I was suffering with stiff neck and shoulder for years but ever since I got the Medical Ion Mini, I felt so much better and the pains is gradually fading away. My wife has also felt she is having much better sleep. We are very happy with Medical Ion Mini and we would be ordering more units for our children. Many thanks for this excellent Product.
No.368 Mr. M.A, Shimane, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"Neck stiffness has improved. My head no longer feels heavy!"

I had neck stiffness. The stiffness has improved. My head no longer feels heavy. I think this is all due to improved blood circulation.
No.366 Mr. H.I, Tottori, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"I fall asleep better and less often wake up in the middle of night!"

I purchased the Medical Ion Mini for comfortable life and installed it in my old 16.5m2 room. My PC sitting on the floor exhausts hot air and it often made me cough. I have been better with almost no cough since I started to use this negative ion generator. I could not fall asleep well because of the dry air but now not only I can fall asleep fast but also I do not wake up in the middle of night. I think this is a synergy effect with the e-Ring. The Medical Ion Mini as well as other home appliances emits electromagnetic waves. (about 20mG at 0m) This is why I have installed this ion generator, so that I can stay away 2-4m from it in order to protect myself while absorbing negative ions for 24 hours. I want many people to experience negative ion effects.
No.365 Mr. S.Y, Gifu, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"We were impressed with the performance when we forgot to turn it on because the air was heavy!"

I purchased the 1st unit, installed it in the treatment room and I felt refreshed. So I ordered another 2 units for the treatment/waiting rooms. Other doctors say something has changed in the treatment room and the air in the room is so fresh. We realized the performance when we forgot to turn it on because the air was so different. It was more effective than air purifiers during the hay fever season. We had very few symptoms this year because we spent most of the day in the treatment room.
No.341 Mr. C.H.K, Singapore, Singapore
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"She can sleep better and feel better after she wake up!"

My mother is using it. So far, she can sleep better and feel better after she wake up.
No.314 Ms. K.Y, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"I have hayfever. The symptoms do not completely disappear but I feel a little bit better!"

I purchased it as I heard negative ions can work for hay fever. The symptoms have not completely disappeared but I feel a little bit better. I turn it on before I go to bed.
No.313 Mr. C.K, Shizuoka, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"I have been able to sleep longer hours since the 1st day, which gives me more energy!"

I decided to order this one as it is cute after wondering if the Medical Ion Mini might be better for my 16.562m2 bedroom.

The air is fresh. I have been able to sleep longer hours since the 1st day, which gives me more energy. I often tossed about in bed and got out of the warm blanket. This has not happened since I installed the Medical Ion Mini.

I am not sure if this is due to this ion generator. I am going to purchase the Medical Ion Mini for the dining room. I have to save money!
No.312 Mr. A.T, Yamagata, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"I can have a good sleep. The headache, which I had at the back of the head, has gone away!"

I decided to purchase the Medical Ion Mini because I had suffered headache at the back of the head (especially severe in the morning) for a few years. I measured the ion count in my room using an ion counter and found only 20-30 pcs/cc were detected. I thought the headache had been caused by the low ion counts. The Medical Ion Mini is user-friendly as it does not generate ozone and it doe not need filter replacement. I turned it on and measured the ion count. It reached 1,200,000 pcs/cc in a second, which is the detectable limit of my counter! I also felt the fresh. I was very impressed with the performance, which was far beyond my expectation. On the first night, I could not sleep well because my mind was clear due to the fresh air. From the second night, I started to have a good sleep. It has been about 2 weeks since then, the headache has gone away and I can concentrate more on work during the day hours. I was a little bit nervous when the headache worsened on or around the 10th day but it went away the next day. I believe it was a cleansing reaction.

[From Ion Trading] We are glad to hear that your headache disappeared after the cleansing reaction. Many users say that the Medical Ion Mini makes them feel fresh and/or it works for migraine headaches. We hope you will continue to use it and enjoy negative ions.
No.311 Mr. I.O, Yamagata, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"I felt dull with a minor headache. I did get well with no doctor/medication!"

Flu spreads in our office. Mr. K whose desk is next to mine got flu and I also started to feel dull with a minor headache, so I turned on 3x Medical Ion Mini located close to me. I felt much better in 2 hours. I am not sure this was all due to the negative ions but it is true I got well with no doctor/medication. He is back now and the Medical Ion Mini has been working for us. We are free from flu!
No.310 Mr. I.O, Yamagata, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"I feel less stressed. The air is refreshed!"

The Medical Ion Mini is installed in our office. I got the seven staff members to fill in a questionnaire. Here is the summary.
Feel refreshed or cool: 3
Less stressed: 4
This summary shows 3 out of 7 feel refreshed or cool, which is one of the commonly found negative ion effects. I am curious how it will change as it is getting hotter and hotter. I am glad that they feel less stressed. I hope it will work for hay fever next spring.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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