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High-Density Ionizer/Negative Ion Generator - Medical Ion Mini with Ion Detector

4.5 (429 reviews)
US$367.52 Purchase

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No.192 Mr. K.T, Hyogo, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"The price is not cheap but you cannot buy good sleep at this price!"

The Medical Ion Mini I purchased before is installed in the living room. I can't explain clearly but something has changed since then. I believe Medical Ion Mini users understand what it means. This is why I placed the 2nd order for the bedroom. My 4 year old son less frequently wake up in the middle of night and I can sleep deeply thanks to his good sleep. The price of the Medical Ion Mini may look high but you cannot buy good sleep at this price.
No.191 Mr. L.H, California, United States
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"I now sleep the whole night through and do not get up in the middle of the night!"

I have always been fascinated by ionizers and the superior workmanship of Japanese electronics.. The Medical Ion Mini has helped me to sleep much better. I now sleep the whole night through and do not get up in the middle of the night. Also my lungs feel better! I can breath much better. Additionally, my stress level and headaches are alleviated when the Medical Ion Mini is on! I also seem to feel happier when I sit near the Medical Ion Mini!This product truly works and anyone should realize this company cares about my health.. No need to send me a gift (as a small consideration). The Medical Ion Mini is a gift in and of itself!!! I just bought another one and when I can afford a third unit you will see my order! I have a 2 story house with musty rooms. I bring it from room to room for fresh HAPPY air! Thanks so much for a wonderful product...My dogs even like it. They sit under it and go to sleep!
No.121 Ms. M.D, Arizona, United States
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"My sinuses are less effected and eye lids are not puffy!"

I have used the ionizer every day. I have noticed my sinuses are less effected and eye lids are not puffy. This is wonderful since I work in a hospital setting.
No.120 Mr. L.N.H, Singapore-city, Singapore
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"It helps me to sleep more soundly, and I can wake upon without the sinus problem!"

I am looking for ioniser and I saw the product advertise in the internet, and since it is a Japanese product, I am comfortable with it. So far it helps me to sleep more soundly, and I do not need nasal spray before I sleep and I can wake upon without the sinus problem.
No.80 Mr. L.W.G, Bukit Batok, Singapore
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"Negative ion produce is effective in having a good sleep and nose conjestion is alleviated!"

I purchased from Ion Trading because this product can produce plentiful amounts of Ion which is benificial to health. We trust products made in Japan. Negative ion is effective in helping a good nights sleep and nose conjestion is alleviated.
No.78 Ms. E.O.M, California, United States
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"Only a few minutes after plugging in the negative ion generator, my room was the freshest smelling in the whole house!"

Of all the negative ion generators I found online, your website gave me the most information and also looked the most reputable. Also the design on your Medical Ion Mini was much more appealing than those of other ion generators. I feel that I made a good choice when I decided to buy from you. Before I got the negative ion generator, I have to admit my room smelled like a mixture of dog and mustiness. But only a few minutes after plugging in the negative ion generator, my room was the freshest smelling in the whole house! The air in my room simply feels so clean now! I wake up very refreshed with the Medical Ion Mini on my bedside table. You have a wonderful product! And your shipping was fast, especially considering I live in the United States. Thank you for making these great negative ion products available; I will definitely buy from you again for my negative ion needs.
No.74 Ms. Kayoko Matsuoka, Hyogo Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"The musty smell of the room and terrible headache pain disappeared immediately!"

I had been skeptical about effectiveness of negative ion products until I found this great product. When I stayed at a cheap hotel, I became sick because the room smelled musty.

I turned on my Medical Ion Mini and the musty smell disappeared after a few hours. My friends visited my room and they were all wondering, "The corridor smells musty but this room does not!" "The air of this room is very clean!"

They were all amazed at the difference, the Medical Ion Mini's purification capability. It would be great if a negative ion generator for car use were available. I drive about 20000 miles a year.
No.72 Ms M.U, Osaka Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"Eczema has completely disappeared! I can have good sleep and wake up on time."

I had difficulty waking up in the morning, but I now wake up before my alarm clock goes off thanks to this negative ion generator. I feel healthier and I take the stairs at the train station on my way to work. I decided to purchase this negative ion generator because I had eczema on my face, and I thought it would alleviate the symptoms. The eczema has completely disappeared!

I must also say that my cat comes to my bedroom more often than before since my Medical Ion Mini was installed. She used to be weak with her nose running all the time, but she is getting healthier. It works on not only a human but also a cat. Thank you for this miracle!

From Ion Trading: We are glad to hear that our product works on your lovely cat as well as your eczema. Thank you for your feedback!
No.70 Mr. M.A, Tokyo Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"I had terrible hayfever this year. The runny nose and sneezing have stopped. How miracle!!"

My hands feel cool and refreshed when placed close to the blow off point of my Medical Ion Mini. Before I could not concentrate on work. (I am a dentist.) I had a fit of sneezing and my nose ran constantly because of the worst hay fever I had ever had.

As I heard negative ions would work for hay fever, I purchased this best negative ion generator in the industry (i.e. Medical Ion Mini!). As soon as I installed it at my clinic, not only those symptoms have all disappeared, but it has also solved my dry skin problem. I have purchased another unit for my home use.
No.68 Mr. T.O, Okayama Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed before 2009

"I felt the fresh air, I no longer have mold and mildew problems!"

The user manual kindly provides instructions on where to install this product. I purchased it to remove musty smell. I live in a valley area where it gets extremely hot and humid during the summer, which causes mold and mildew problems. As soon as I turned it on, I felt the fresh air. I no longer have mold and mildew problems.

PS: I can install it anywhere thanks to its compact design. The negative ion counter, which comes with it, always assures me that it is generating ions.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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