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Polished Tourmaline Stones (1kg)

4.1 (281 reviews)
US$109.51 Purchase

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No.1626 Mr. T.H, Hokkaido, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2013-01-04

"I have had psoriasis vulgaris for 40 years. I hope I will soon find a tourmaline effect. "

I have had psoriasis vulgaris for 40 years. I purchased 1kg of polished tourmaline stones. I hope the skin will become smoother and clearer. I have been taking a tourmaline bath for about 20 days since I received this product. I hope I will soon find a tourmaline effect.
No.1623 Mr. H.K, Saitama, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-12-25

"Symptoms of my psoriasis have eased. My wife is happy because her skin is smoother!"

I am happy because: I was suffering from skin disease called psoriasis. I found this product on the internet and placed the order. I have been using it for tourmaline bathing. The symptoms have eased. My wife is happy because her skin is smoother.

I am not happy because: The actual shapes of the stones are different from those shown on your website.
No.1612 Mr. kanku, Chiba, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-11-24

"I have had psoriasis vulgaris for about 20 years. I hope the symptoms will improve. "

I am happy because: I have been using the tourmaline stones for about a month. I have had psoriasis vulgaris for about 20 years. I tried several dermatology clinics but the symptoms did not change. I found tourmaline treatment on the internet. The symptoms have not improved but I will continue this treatment. I will let you know if I find a tourmaline effect.

I am not happy because: None, so far

Other comments: The zip net bag is fragile. It has got broken.

[From Ion Trading] Thank you for your feedback. We will send you a new net bag as you have just purchased this product. We apologize for the inconvenience.
No.1608 Mr. M.I, Osaka, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-11-20

"I have psoriasis vulgaris. The skin is smoother than before!"

I am happy because: I have been suffering from psoriasis vulgaris for more than 10 years. I was searching for a remedy because medication prescribed by a dermatology clinic did not work and the symptoms did not improve.
I found tourmaline treatment on the internet and purchased this product because I wanted to try the treatment. I have been using it for tourmaline bathing while taking the medication for about a month. The skin is smoother than before. I will continue to use it as I think the symptoms will get better.
I have a question. Is it OK to dry where the sunlight does not directly reach? The windows of my room are facing the opposite direction.

I am not happy because: None

[From Ion Trading] Thank you for your feedback. The tourmaline stones work properly if they are dried thoroughly. However, we suggest you should dry under the sunlight for sanitary reasons.
No.1606 Ms. S.K, Saga, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-11-19

"Red spots caused by psoriasis vulgaris have faded!"

We enjoy tourmaline bathing everyday. I have psoriasis vulgaris. I know it is difficult to cure it completely. I decided to try tourmaline treatment when I found this product on the internet.
My husband is always tired after work. Our son has dry skin. We all found a tourmaline effect after the 1st tourmaline bathing. The husband could relax. The son no longer feels itchy. Red spots caused by the psoriasis vulgaris have faded. I will continue this treatment while taking medication. We are happy with the polished tourmaline stones.
No.1605 Mr. H.M, Akita, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-11-19

"I purchased this product for dermatitis (psoriasis). The rough skin has become smoother!"

I have been suffering from dermatitis (psoriasis) for about 10 years. Recently, I read a book and it said that natural ores would work. I googled "tourmaline", found your web site and then called you. I decided to purchase this product from you because you offered great customer service. I have been using it for tourmaline bathing for 4 weeks. The rough skin has become smoother. I will continue this treatment. Thank you!
No.1599 Mr. H.K, Hiroshima, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-11-16

"I purchased it as I found that natural ores would work for psoriasis. The symptoms are gradually improving!"

I was diagnosed with psoriasis at a dermatology clinic about 2 months ago. I have had treatment since then. I googled "psoriasis" and found that natural ores would work and then I purchased this product on your website. I put the stones into the bathtub. I have not found a significant effect yet as I started the tourmaline treatment about 20 days ago. I still have the medical treatment at the clinic. I think the symptoms are gradually improving. I will continue to use it.
No.1596 Mr. A.M, Kumamoto, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-10-30

"I purchased it because a book said that natural ores would work for psoriasis."

I found this product on your website and placed the order. I have been suffering from psoriasis for almost 30 years. I have treatment at a dermatology clinic but the symptoms do not improve. I often have pain in joints of wrists/ankles. I think it is caused by the skin problem. I apply prescribed ointments such as Dovonex and Dermovate. The skin becomes smooth after applying them but it becomes rough again after for a while. I tried some other clinics and I eventually found that those ointments cannot cure the skin disease.
I purchased this product because a book said that natural ores would work for psoriasis. I put the Polished Tourmaline into the bathtub for tourmaline bathing. I have not found an effect yet because I have just started this treatment. I hope I will find a tourmaline effect.
No.1583 Ms. K.I, Kanagawa, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-10-19

"Symptoms of psoriasis vulgaris have not improved yet. "

I am happy because: I purchased this product for treatment of psoriasis vulgaris. I put the stones into the bathtub for tourmaline bathing. I have not found an effect because I have been using it for less than a month. I will continue this tourmaline treatment. This product is very economical. I wash the stones and dry under the sun once a week and then they continue to generate negative ions almost forever.

I am not happy because: None
No.1574 Ms. I.M, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-10-10

"My feet had many red spots caused by psoriasis. The skin is clearer!"

I am happy because: I read a book titled "How to heal psoriasis". I learned that medication does not work and "ores treatment" done by the author may help to improve the symptoms. I did research on the internet but I could not find how much the treatment would cost. I found some posts saying it is 400,000JPY +/-. I was happy to pay for it if the symptoms would improve.
I found this product on the internet and decided to try it. I thought I would not get disappointed even if it did not work because the product was affordable. I have been using it for 4 months. Yes, it works. My feet had many red spots caused by psoriasis. The skin is clearer as they have faded. I recommend this product to those who have psoriasis.
It is more effective than having treatment at a dermatological clinic. I am happy because the symptoms are getting better and better day after day.

Other comments: I live with my 82 year old mother. She always went to the bathroom every hour after she went to bed before she started tourmaline bathing. She now wakes up every 2-3 hours only. She is so happy. I also recommend this product to those who have this problem. I am wondering if 2kg of the tourmaline stones will work two times more effectively than 1kg when put into the bathtub?

[From Ion Trading] Thank you for your feedback. We do not have data on 2x tourmaline stones. However, we do not think 2kg will work 2x when put into a standard bathtub whose volume is 200L +/-.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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