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Tourmaline Detox Sole Patch (30 pcs for 15days)

4.4 (94 reviews)
US$48.60 Purchase

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No.3518 Ms. K.F, Ibaragi, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2020-09-29

"The feet feel lighter. It quickly relieves fatigue."

I am happy because: I stick the patches to the soles and the feet feel lighter the next morning. It quickly relieves fatigue. However, half of my family members using this product do not find an effect at all.

Other comments: It is a hassle to peel off the sticky sheet and wipe out the sticky liquid when I am busy. Can you make it easier?
No.3510 Ms. E.T, Kanagawa, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2020-09-01

"They absorb a lot of impurities every day."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: This product is reliable as the patented technology is used.

Detailed review: I stick the sheets to the soles every night. I enjoy peeling them off when I wake up in the morning as they absorb a lot of impurities every day. The ankles have become thinner, so they are well balanced with the calves. It is easier to go up/down stairs as the ankles feel lighter. I think massage to calves produces synergy effects.
No.3509 Ms. F.W, Kumamoto, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2020-09-01

"I am not sure if it works on me."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: It does not become black color like the image on your website.

Detailed review: I am not sure if it works on me.
No.3500 Ms. N.A, Fukuoka, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2020-08-20

"I make a bulk purchase for a good deal as my family members are happy."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I make a bulk purchase, the price is lower than others. I also had a coupon.

Detailed review: I started to use this product as a friend of mine recommended it. She has been using it for a long time. Initially, I purchased from a website where she purchases it. I compared my patch with the actual patch offered by you and found that they were the same product. This is why I started to purchase from you. I make a bulk purchase for a good deal as my family members are happy. Blood circulation improves and the feet feel less sluggish.
No.3494 Ms. T.M, Hyogo, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2020-08-13

"The body felt lighter in the morning."

I am happy because: I sometimes find this product in advertisements. I was wondering if it would work?? I started to use it as soon as I received it. I was amazed when I woke up in the 1st morning.I peeled off the patches from the soles on the 3rd day as I felt pain. I have been using this product for 2-3 times a week since then.

I stuck the patches to the heels the other day. I woke up early morning to go to the bathroom. The stomach felt lighter. The body felt lighter in the morning. I am 74 years old. I enjoy playing tennis. I hope I will continue to play.

Other comments: I would be happier if the soles were not so sticky just after peeling off the patches.
No.3492 Ms. T.H, Ehime, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2020-08-10

"The soles feel warm and lighter."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: You offer great service. You gave me advice from the perspective of customers.

Detailed review: My mother has back pain. I have purchased this product before. She sticks the patches and then the soles feel warm and lighter. She hopes the symptoms will get further better. Again, thank you for the advice.
No.3485 Ms. Y.H, Saitama, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2020-07-26

"The feet felt so light the next morning. It worked."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I used to use this product. I knew it works.

Detailed review: I was using sap sheets when I was young as they were popular. Recently, the feet often swelled. I found the Tourmaline Detox Sole Patch when I was searching for a remedy. I remembered I had been using it before. The feet really felt light in the morning.

I immediately purchased it. I stuck 2 each to the soles on the 1st day. The patches were so wet the next morning. I peeled them off and washed the feet. The feet felt so light. It worked. I will stick it to the hands/soles to see how it will work.
No.3423 Ms. Y.F, Saitama, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2020-06-15

"The symptoms gradually improve."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I read reviews and I thought it would work.

Detailed review: My father successfully underwent a major surgery but he was suffering from swelling of the feet. I googled "remove swelling from feet" and reached your website. He sticks the patch every day. The symptoms gradually improve. Thank you.
No.3384 Ms. T.S, Fukuoka, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2020-05-09

"I stick the patch at night and the feet feel refreshed in the morning."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: It was the most popular product.

Detailed review: I stick the patch at night and the feet feel refreshed in the morning as blood circulation improves.
No.3322 Ms. S.U, Kanagawa, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2020-04-03

"The body condition is obviously better the next morning. "

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I have tried a similar product supplied by another company. This product makes me feel more refreshed the next morning.

Detailed review: The sap smells but this product makes me feel more refreshed the next morning than any other product. I often have swelling of the feet, neck stiffness and headaches as I work in front of my PC all day long. I stick the patches to the soles before going to bed. The body condition is obviously better the next morning. The symptoms came back when I was not using this product as I had used up the patches. Some users find no effect but it works on me. I will continue to use it.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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