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Negative Ion Bracelet Tourmaline-eRing-long (Red X 1pcs) 53cm (20.8")

Generates negative ions without external force by the patented technology. You only need to wear around the wrist/ankle. Many users say "I feel so refreshed when I wake up.", "I fall asleep better.", "I can have a good sleep".

   Sales rank #11
   Sales rank (tourmaline) #3
Product Number: TER-1-L-R
Price: US$74.50 & FREE Shipping (not included customs tax)
Payment methods: Credit/Debit card, PayPal
  4.5 / 5-stars  120 Customer Reviews
In stock. Ship in 3 days
Comes with 2 Years Warranty
Actual delivery days (Just FYI)
US/SG: 1-3 | Asia: 1-5 | EU: 2-5 | AU/NZ: 2-5 | Others: 2-6
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Product summary
  • The Tourmaline-eRing-long generates negative ions without external force*1 by the patented technology.
  • You only need to wear around the wrist/ankle.
  • Many happy users!
  • Some research shows that tourmaline increases alpha waves. Many users of the Tourmaline-eRing say "I feel so refreshed when I wake up.", "I fall asleep better.", "I can have a good sleep".
  • The Tourmaline-eRing-long made from the same material is 3 times longer than the Tourmaline-eRing.
  • This longer version is more effective than the shorter eRing as it contains more tourmaline and generates more negative ions.
  • Made in Japan
*1 Tourmaline generates little amount of negative ions when external pressure or friction is not applied.
  No need to take off when bathing or swimming in the sea
* Product image may differ from actual product.

Proven and patented technology!

Proven and patented technology!

Tourmaline generates little amount of negative ions with no external pressure or friction.

The Tourmaline-eRing-long does generate negative ions without external force, which was made possible by the patented technology.

Many users are happy with this bracelet.

3xlonger, more effective with more negative ions!

3xlonger, more effective with more negative ions!

Some research shows that tourmaline increases alpha waves. Many users of the Tourmaline-eRing say "I feel so refreshed when I wake up.", "I fall asleep better.", "I can have a good sleep.". Some users even report reduction of chronic pain and relief from stiffness in shoulder.

The Tourmaline-eRing-long made from the same material is 3 times longer than the Tourmaline-eRing. This longer version is more effective than the shorter eRing as it contains more tourmaline and generates more negative ions.

"I fall asleep better", "I can have a good sleep". Many happy users!

Some research shows that tourmaline increases alpha waves.

Many users say "I feel so refreshed when I wake up.", "I fall asleep better.", "I can have a good sleep.", Some users even report reduction of chronic pain and relief from stiffness in shoulder.

Careful with imitations!

Careful with imitations!

Please be careful with cheap imitations.

Ours has "e-ring" mark embossed on it.

24 hours with you!

24 hours with you!

You can wrap 3-4 times around the wrist, 2-3 times around the ankle.You can also wear around the neck for shoulder stiffness. The closer to the skin surface, the more effective!

You do not need to take it off when you bathe or shower.

Comparison with other tourmaline products

Comparison with other tourmaline products Tourmaline generates little amount of negative ions with no external pressure or friction. Many tourmaline products such as bedclothes and underwears generate negative ions only while in use because external force is applied. This bracelet generates negative ions by itself without such force.

Customer reviews

  4.5 / 5-stars   120 reviews
[Please note]
* This is some of the feedback we have received. With prior permission, we post your feedback. * This is just for your reference and it does not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment.
No.959 Mr. M.K, Zagreb, Croatia
4 / 5-stars
Reviewed on 2010-11-19
My father is pleased with it as his blood pressure stabilised!
Details about the effects = I bought this product for my father who already has another silicone tourmaline ring. He normally does not believe in things like this but he reported being very pleased with it as his blood pressure stabilised and his overall feeling got better.   >> Read more
No.24 Ms. C.M, Gunma, Japan
5 / 5-stars
Reviewed before 2009
In the next morning, he said he had had a good sleep!
As I did not find any effect of this tourmaline therapy, I left it on a table. My husband found it and wore around the neck with no idea what it was. In the next morning, he said he had had a good sleep and then I decided to order another package.   >> Read more
No.20 Mr. M.N, Tokyo, Japan
5 / 5-stars
Reviewed before 2009
Although I was skeptical at first, I now have a deeper sleep!
A friend of mine recommended the long version. Although I was skeptical at first, I now have a deeper sleep.   >> Read more
No.1059 Ms. A.M, Manila, Philippines
5 / 5-stars
Reviewed on 2011-04-07
It really made me sleep wonderfully and also helped me focus while studying!
Good day! I am writing this testimonial because I have been using your product for the past 12 years! I first started using the Tourmaline Silicon Bracelet when I was 12 years old.   >> Read more
No.21 Mr. K.S, Hiroshima, Japan
5 / 5-stars
Reviewed before 2009
I do feel refreshed in the morning when I am wearing it!
I wear around the wrist and sometimes around the ankle. I feel so refreshed in the morning after having a sound sleep with it. This eRing apparently provides better sleep. Great product with the miracle power of tourmaline!   >> Read more
Affordable set including this product available!
Tourmaline Trial Package Tourmaline Trial Package
Price when ordered separately: US$384.53
Price: US$274.52
Tourmaline Silicon bracelet which generates negative ions, tourmaline bedsheet which makes you feel warm and beautiful tourmaline stones for making tasty water and tourmaline bathing.
P/N: TER-1-L-R
Product name Negative Ion Bracelet Tourmaline-eRing-long (Red X 1pcs) 53cm (20.8")
Color Red
Length approx. 53cm (20.8 inches) (stretchable)
Weight approx. 8.4g (0.29oz)
Rubber diameter approx. 3.35mm
Materials Silicon rubber, Li-tourmaline powder
When bathing or swimming in the sea No need to take off
Made in Japan
Limited Warranty 2 years from the date of purchase
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Actual negative and positive ion measurements featured in literature and media (1)
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How to Choose the Best Air Ion Counter (1)
How to Choose the Right Negative Ion Products (9)
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