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Tourmaline Biseki Lotion (180ml)

4.5 (70 reviews)
US$64.14 Purchase

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No.771 Ms. A.O, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2009-12-08

"My skin tone becomes brighter, which enhances the color of foundation cream. I also find the whitening effect!"

I had wanted beautiful skin for vocational reasons.
I used to use another lotion to moisturize my dry skin. I had skin problems whenever the seasons changed. My skin condition has been good regardless of the season ever since I started to use the Tourmaline Biseki Lotion. I feel good when I see my now beautiful skin every morning.

I love the Tourmaline Biseki Lotion. I can not use another lotion any more.
I apply a lot at night but my skin is smooth in the morning as the lotion is not sticky. I spray the lotion several times a day, so that I do not need to make myself up so often as it stays better and longer.This may be an unknown make-up technique. So, I put the lotion into a small bottle to carry it around. I can not use another lotion any more. The Tourmaline Biseki Lotion makes my skin shiny, which is something like an old layer is peeled off. My skin tone becomes brighter, which enhances the color of foundation cream. I am also happy with the whitening effect. I hope to maintain this soft and supple skin until the end of my 20's.

This is the best lotion I have ever used!
This lotion has other applications than skin care. My hair stays moisturized when I apply it before drying. I also spray it to my feet before going to bed after I stand for long hours at work. I am a fashion model. The fatigue goes away and the swelling goes down by the next morning. I am also happy with the foot tightening effect. The Tourmaline Biseki Lotion is great as I can use it for the whole of my body, so I no longer need several cosmetic products. This lotion is enough. I and my mother share this lotion as it is good for any age.
No.4077 Ms. M.I, Mie, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2023-11-22

"I think dark spots slightly faded. "

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I know you offer reliable service because I have purchased from you several times.

Detailed review: I wish this milky lotion provided a bit more moisture.I think dark spots slightly faded. I give 3 stars. I will try the FLORESTA skin lotion next time.
No.1232 Ms. Y.Y, Hokkaido, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2011-09-05

"This lotion is wonderful because it moisturizes my dry skin well while maintaining its smoothness!"

I always carry it with me because I want to spray it in the office. This lotion is wonderful because it moisturizes my skin well while maintaining its smoothness. It is good for my sensitive skin.

Actually, I had been using alcohol free products only before I found this one. I spray to the whole body except around my chest after bathing. Thank you for the prompt shipment.
No.4030 Ms. M.I, Mie, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2023-08-22

"It spreads well and makes me feel well. The skin is moisturized and softened."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I visited your website to purchase other products and then found this one.

Detailed review: I often get a tan. I purchased this product to prevent spots and swelling. I spray it, and then it spreads well and makes me feel well. The skin is moisturized and softened. I made a good purchase.
No.1305 Ms. Anonymous,
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2011-11-21

"My skin is more resilient, shiny and lifted!"

It worked quickly! My skin is more shiny and resilient. It has also been lifted up. I think I will be able to maintain this clear skin if I continue to use this wonderful tourmaline lotion. Thank you!
No.3969 Ms. E.W, Ibaragi, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2023-04-09

"The skin is so smooth.I found a face-lifting effect in about 5 days. "

Detailed review: I feel good when I spray the lotion. I also apply essence as an extra treatment. Thank you for the sample. It made me decide to make an additional purchase. The skin is so smooth.
No.762 Ms. K.S, Yakayama, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2009-12-08

"My skin is brighter and more resilient. Liver spots have faded. My friends say I look younger!"

I have been using the Tourmaline Biseki PGS UV Essence, EX Cream, Lotion and EX wash. My skin is brighter and more resilient. Liver spots have faded. My friends say I look younger. I love the Biseki Lotion best among the Tourmaline Biseki cosmetic products. I had several spots on my hands/feet. The number increased as I scratched the itchy spots. I applied the Biseki Lotion and rubbed on the areas. The itching and spots went away in about 2 days. A small burn scar also healed.
No.766 Ms. M.H, Yamanashi, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2009-12-08

"Wrinkles, which used to annoy me have faded. My dry skin is moisturized!"

I understand that wrinkles increase as you get older but I was looking for a solution. One day, I looked into the mirror in the morning and I felt that wrinkles could increase every day. When I heard "The Tourmaline Biseki Lotion can improve wrinkles.", I was skeptical but decided to try it. Every morning and evening, I put the lotion on my palms and applied it to my face and the scruff of my neck after washing the face. The lotion was smooth and it seemed to work because it penetrated deeply into the skin. The effect showed up earlier than I had expected. 4-5 days later, I found that the wrinkles had faded when I looked into the mirror in the morning. I was so impressed with the performance. Actually, I believed that plastic surgery would be the only way to remove wrinkles because of my age but the Tourmaline Biseki Lotion made it happen very quickly. My dry skin was also softened and moisturized. It used to be very dry even during summer as if it were producing white powder. I no longer feel reluctant to look into the mirror. I enjoy it instead! I am now using the Tourmaline Biseki EX Cream and Lotion as well because the performance of tourmaline has been proven by the lotion. I am happy with these products. I thought every cosmetic product would produce similar effects but the Tourmaline Biseki products are the exceptions. They produce more beneficial effects than any other cosmetic product. I will continue to use the Biseki's.
No.770 Ms. Y.Y, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2009-12-08

"My skin does not become sticky but stays smooth even when I apply a lot as this lotion penetrates well!."

No cosmetic product met my requirements.
I used to have several skin problems such as pimples, dry skin, dark circles under my eyes and so on. I have tried a lot of products including organic cosmetic products and those developed by medical doctors. I carefully choose which one to use and fine tuned the dosage depending on my skin condition but no product met my requirements and I almost gave up finding one that would suit me.

I am happy with the soft skin I have never had before! It produced several beneficial effects in a month.
I got this Biseki Lotion a month ago. It made my skin soft and smooth as soon as I applied it. I was delighted by the soft skin which I had not had before. I realized that I had finally found the lotion formulated for my skin. My skin does not become sticky but stays smooth even when I apply a lot. I think this is because this cosmetic lotion penetrates well. As I heard that spraying it to the top of the head and lower legs would improve blood circulation, I tried it. I felt warm and was able to have a good sleep even in the winter season, which was a by-product. The sprayed mist also makes me feel relax and refreshed, so I always have it in my bag.

I am looking forward to more effects.
The other day, I met a friend of mine after a long time. She said "You have got thinner." This may be due to the skin tightening and lift-up effects of the lotion. My rough skin has become smoother since I started to use it. I hope small liver spots will fade. I am looking forward to more effects. I will continue to use it.
No.765 Ms. E.F, Yakayama, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2009-12-08

"Small wrinkles went away and my face was lifted in just a week!"

The next morning, I was amazed when I found my skin had been whitened and was elastic. I used this lotion only during the trial period. Small wrinkles went away and my face was lifted in just a week!
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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