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Negative Ion Bracelet Tourmaline-eRing-long (Red X 1pcs) 53cm (20.8")

4.5 (120 reviews)
US$74.50 Purchase

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No.3121 Mr. S.K, ChiangMai, Thailand
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-06-03

"This product help me a lot!"

Purchase reason: I know about tourmaline for more than 25 years. At that time I bought a water jug with tourmaline filter. When I drink water pass this tourmaline filter, I can feel the water is light and smooth that make me drink more water than normal. That is our body need, isn't it?

I still drink water from this tourmaline jug, I like it. That is why I am sure that tourmaline e-ring, that produce negative ions, will increase blood flow and help my shoulder problem and it helps!

About effects: I have been using e-ring for nearly 3 weeks. I have a problem on my right shoulder. I can raise my right arm only 50% high because of pain for nearly one year. After my 3-week using this e-ring, on my upper arm, now I can raise my right arm nearly 95% high. And I also feel warm on my arm too. This product help me a lot! I think because this product can increase blood flow. I am happy with this product.

Other comments: I also want to place another order of Air Tamer A310, too. This time I only need one piece.
No.3104 Ms. C.T, Singapore-city, Singapore
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-05-04

"The relief is mild but the good thing is the relief lasts."

Purchase reason: I have heard of the benefits of silicon ion rings and wanted to try using one.

About effects: I sometimes have sore neck from using the computer for too long. I wear it around my neck to provide relief. The relief is mild but the good thing is the relief lasts and I don't have to take medication. I wear it on days when I use the computer now.
No.3097 Mr. R.H, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-04-06

"I may be influenced by suggestion but I feel more comfortable when I am wearing it."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: Your office is located in the same area as me.

Detailed review: I am disappointed because the actual color is different from the image found on your website. I was expecting a lighter color like sky blue. I may be influenced by suggestion but I feel easy when I am wearing it.

I hope you will offer more color variations. e.g. A black color model will be good for business use. A gold one, as a limited edition, will look like it generates a lot of ions. A fluorescent color, zebra pattern or transparent model will be good for private use.
No.2991 Ms. Tomoko Matsunaga, Fukuoka, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2018-11-06

"My arms felt heavy but they now feel light and move smoothly."

I am happy because: My arms felt heavy because of adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). I wear some e-rings around the upper arms. The arms now feel light and move smoothly.

Other comments: I would be glad if there were a beige color ring.
No.2938 Mr. F.O, Michigan, United States
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2018-09-08

"It helps with my back pain and my insomnia."

Purchase reason: I had one of those bracelets in the past and wore it for years until it was broken. I was disappointed that I couldn't find another like it. I came across it again by accident not too long ago and ordered it and I was surprised to see it was the same bracelet I had before.

About effects: The bracelet helps with my back pain and my insomnia. It's the only bracelet that I have worn that works well.

Other comments: The shipping was exceptionally fast. It is expensive but it does work.
No.2923 Mr. T.W, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2018-07-16

"Neck stiffness has eased and the body feels lighter. "

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I googled and found this product. The price was affordable.

I am happy because: This product is great as it is very colorful and lightweight. It is comfortable to wear it. Neck stiffness has eased and the body feels lighter.
No.2914 Ms. L, Singapore-city, Singapore
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2018-07-27

"It may not be that effective in her condition."

Purchase reason: Heard from a friend that the long e-ring was effective in helping with her eczema so I thought I would buy one for my parent/parent-in-law to try.

About effects: My mother-in-law complained of a bad muscle strain so I bought it hoping it would help ease the pain. It turns out that she had a frozen shoulder so the e-ring may not be that effective in her condition.
No.2909 Ms. L.F, Singapore-city, Singapore
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2018-07-09

"So far, he said the long bracelet which he wears as a necklace has not helped much. "

Purchase reason: Heard from a friend that it helped her eczema, so I thought it may be as effective in overcoming sleep problems and back stiffness.

About effects: I bought it for my father who has Parkinson's Disease. Often, he does not sleep well and has back muscle stiffness. So far, he said the long bracelet which he wears as a necklace has not helped much but I encouraged him to continue wearing it to see if there is any improvement over time.
No.2901 Ms. M.O, Hokkaido, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2018-06-18

"I always wear it when I am off from work."

The shorter ring may fit me better. I had been interested in tourmaline before I purchased this product. I had a bracelet/necklace supplied by another company. I decided to try this ring. I cannot wear it while working because I am a chef. I always wear it when I am off from work.
No.2868 Ms.K.S, Saitamai, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2018-05-07

"I can sleep better. Thank you."

I am happy because: I have been using the tourmaline e-ring for a few years.It works great on me. I had been wearing 3x long e-rings around the wrist. I purchased 1 each of the red and blue e-rings this time and I am now wearing them around the wrists.

I am taking care of my mother at home. It requires physical strength. It is strenuous work as I am not good at nursing. I thought this product would help to ease fatigue. It works great. I can sleep better. Thank you.

I would be happier if you provided more application examples. I trust your products as you offered great service when I placed the order on the phone. I will continue to use this product. The old e-rings are thinner than new ones.

Please continue to offer great service. I hope this ring will be used by as many people as possible and it will help to ease their fatigue.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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