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Polished Tourmaline Stones (1kg)

Enjoy tasty water & comfortable bathing!
(Made in Brazil )

   Sales rank #16
   Sales rank (tourmaline) #4
Product Number: TRF-1
Price: US$109.51 & FREE Shipping (not included customs tax)
Payment methods: Credit/Debit card, PayPal
  4.1 / 5-stars  281 Customer Reviews
In stock. Ship in 3 days
Comes with 2 Years Warranty
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US/SG: 1-3 | Asia: 1-5 | EU: 2-5 | AU/NZ: 2-5 | Others: 2-6
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Product summary
  • Round shaped tourmaline stones are optically polished.
  • You just put into a bottle filled with drinking water to make mild and tasty tourmaline water.
  • You can put into a bathtub to enjoy tourmaline bathing and smooth skin.
  • You can cook rice with tourmaline water to make it yummy.
* Product image may differ from actual product.
  Comes with heat resistant net bag
Q & A

Tasty drinking water!

You just put the tourmaline stones into a bottle filled with drinking water to make mild and tasty tourmaline water containing minerals.

Fill 1/10 of the bottle with the polished tourmaline stones. Tasty water will be ready in an hour or two.

Keeps your body warm and makes skin smooth!

You can put the stones into a bathtub to enjoy comfortable tourmaline bathing. (*) It keeps your body warm and makes skin smooth.

(*) You can use the Heat resistant net bag which is included in the package.

About 1kg is great for standard bathtubs. Good for improving blood circulation, shoulder stiffness and atopic dermatitis.

With your favorite liquor!

You can mix tourmaline water with your favourite liquor. Be careful not to drink too much as it tastes good!

Yummy rice!

You can cook yummy rice with tourmaline water. You will be amazed at the miracle power.

You can apply this technique for simmered dishes and others. Let's enjoy cooking!

Instruction Manual

Before use
(1) Sterilize in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. (2) Be careful with sharp edges of the stones.

Remove limescale from the stone surfaces and dry under the sun on a regular basis. This does not affect the performance.

1. For drinking water and cooking
How to use
Fill 1/10 of the bottle with the polished tourmaline stones and put it into the fridge. Tasty tourmaline water will be ready in an hour or two. You can cook yummy rice with the tourmaline water and apply this technique to cook soup and other dishes.

*Please do not use the heat resistant net bag, which comes with the stones, for drinking water and cooking.
Expected effects
  1. It is mild and tasty.
  2. It does not smell like chlorine.
  3. Coffee, tea and whisky made/mixed from/with tourmaline water taste good.
  4. Rice steamed with tourmaline water is soft and tasty.
  5. Soup and dishes cooked with tourmaline water are yummy.
  6. Inside the thermos is kept cleaner and odors are reduced.

2. For tourmaline bathing
How to use
Put about 1kg of the stones into a standard bathtub to enjoy tourmaline bathing. Fill 1/10 of the bathtub for foot bathing.
Expected effects
  1. It is mild and comfortable.
  2. The body is well heated up and perspiration is stimulated.
  3. The body is kept warm.
  4. Blood circulation is improved and symptoms of chilblains are alleviated.
  5. The hair is softened.
  6. Symptoms of athlete's foot and atopic dermatitis are improved.
  7. It makes the skin soft and moisturized.
  8. The bathtub/washbasin are kept cleaner.
  9. Odors in the bathroom are reduced with less limescale.
  10. Water left over in the bathtub is good for laundry as it cleans clothing more effectively.
  11. Water left over in the bathtub can be used to stimulate growth of plants.

3. Other applications
How to use
  1. A handful of the tourmaline stones remove odors in the fridge. (Don't put them into water.)
  2. The tourmaline stones put into the aquarium reduce odors.
  3. Crushed tourmaline stones mixed with sand of your pet's toilet reduce offensive odors.
  4. Cigarettes taste mild after making contact with the tourmaline stones. (Smoking can damage your health.)

Customer reviews

  4.1 / 5-stars   281 reviews
[Please note]
* This is some of the feedback we have received. With prior permission, we post your feedback. * This is just for your reference and it does not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment.
No.1598 Ms. T.I, Saitama, Japan
4 / 5-stars
Reviewed on 2012-11-16
My body is warmed up. This product is economical because I can enjoy tourmaline bathing almost forever!
I use this product for tourmaline bathing. My body is warmed up. The bathtub is maintained clean. I recycle the water left in the bathtub for the laundry. Clothes are fresh and clean after being washed. This product is economical because I can enjoy tourmaline bathing almost forever.   >> Read more
No.2250 Ms. Y.K, Ehime, Japan
5 / 5-stars
Reviewed on 2014-12-26
I am impressed as tourmaline water stays warm and the body is kept warm after bathing.
Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I read reviews written by users.   >> Read more
No.1961 Ms. M.F, Kanagawa, Japan
5 / 5-stars
Reviewed on 2014-01-19
Tourmaline hot water is soft. The whole body is heated.
I am happy because: I put the stones into the bathtub to enjoy tourmaline bathing. Tourmaline water is soft. The whole body is heated. I should have bought more stones as the bathtub for 2 people is large.   >> Read more
No.1942 Ms. J, Hong Kong
4 / 5-stars
Reviewed on 2014-01-19
The drinking water become more tasty n hands and neck and body skin feel more soft.
Details about the effects = After i use I found the drinking water become more tasty n hands and neck and body skin feel more soft after i rub with the shower gel to use when i take shower ! It is great !

Other comments = Bigger size will be great !   >> Read more
No.1900 Ms. A.S, Ishikawa, Japan
4 / 5-stars
Reviewed on 2013-11-22
The body is kept warm after tourmaline bathing. I also enjoy a good sleep. Tourmaline drinking water is tasty. My 1 year old baby does not catch a cold.
I am happy because: This product showed up at the top of the search result when I was searching for tourmaline stones. I could not decide to purchase it because it was not affordable. I searched for other products but none looked good.   >> Read more
Affordable set including this product available!
Tourmaline Trial Package Tourmaline Trial Package
Price when ordered separately: US$384.53
Price: US$274.52
Tourmaline Silicon bracelet which generates negative ions, tourmaline bedsheet which makes you feel warm and beautiful tourmaline stones for making tasty water and tourmaline bathing.

Q & A

Q1. How long is the life span of the Polished Tourmaline?
You can continue to use it almost eternally under normal use. It is said that tourmaline maintains the properties of an electronic stone unless extreme heat is applied to it. The Polished Tourmaline, which has a round shape, possesses the same properties as tourmaline ores. However, the performance can be affected by dust and particles when they stick to the surface during long time use. So, we suggest you wash the surface with water and dry under the sun on a regular basis.
Q2. What is an ideal amount for tourmaline bathing?
1kg is great for standard bathtubs. You can put the stones into the heat resistant net bag which is included in the package. You can also refer to Instruction Manual.
Q3. What is an ideal amount for drinking water?
Filling 1/10 of the bottle with the Polished Tourmaline stones is great. You can also refer to Instruction Manual.
Q4. Do all the stones have similar dimensions?
Some are larger/smaller than others. We cannot ensure a stable supply of the product whilst maintaining the current price if we select stones all of which have similar dimensions. This is because the total surface area, of smaller stones making contact with water, is greater than that of larger stones.
Q5. Does Polished Tourmaline, which is put in a room, generate negative ions?
Only a very small amount can be generated even if every single stone generates negative ions. You need to fill a large area with a lot of stones. Otherwise, negative ions, which can be detected by a counter, are not generated.
Q6. What minerals does Polished Tourmaline contain?
You can refer to the X-ray fluorescence analysis result of schorl tourmaline. This data is for your reference only because it varies depending on the sample.

X-ray fluorescence analysis result of schorl tourmaline

Element (Oxide) Content rate (%)
Na2O 3
Al2O3 42
SiO2 44
CaO 0.2
Ti 0.3
Mn 0.5
Fe 9

Please note:
1. This data contains slight measurement errors due to characteristics of the analysis.
2. Lighter elements are not detected due to characteristics of the analysis. (e.g. B)
3. Metal elements are shown in chemical symbols.
Q7. How long should I put the tourmaline stones in water? Is it OK if they stay in water for several hours or longer?
It is ideal if they stay in water for an hour or two. However, you will be able to enjoy tourmaline effects even if the stones soak for 10-20 minutes only. Putting them in water for several hours or longer is no problem but you need to make sure that the water is kept in hygienic conditions.
Q8. Can I use this product along with bath salt?
Yes, you can. Many customers enjoy tourmaline bathing with bath salt.

500g Polished Tourmaline Stones (500g)
Polished Tourmaline Stones (500g)
1kg - Great deal!
(Product on this page)
Polished Tourmaline Stones (1kg)
Polished Tourmaline Stones (1kg)
P/N: TRF-1
Product name Polished Tourmaline Stones (1kg)
Volume of content 1kg
Size of stones 2mm-30mm (0.8-11 inches) (mixed randomly)
The country of origin Brazil
Processed in Japan
Accessory Heat resistant net bag
Net bag dimensions 150X130(mm) (59-51 inches)
Limited Warranty 2 years from the date of purchase
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What is Tourmaline? (7)
Tourmaline explorer (11)
Negative Ion FAQ (53)
Ideal amount of negative ions (1)
Actual negative and positive ion measurements featured in literature and media (1)
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Measurement Theory of Air Ion (1)
Negative ion effects reported in medical literature (13)
Lenard effect (2)
Negative ion counter comparison chart (2)
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