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Tourmaline Detox Sole Patch (30 pcs for 15days)

4.4 (100 reviews)
US$48.60 Purchase

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No.3246 Mr. Y.O, Gunma, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2020-01-06

"I will use it for a while."

I am happy because: I was able to order on the phone. I have not found an effect as I have just started to use this product. I will use it for a while.

Other comments: None
No.3235 Mr. S.O, Ibaragi, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-11-29

"I used this product for 2 days. The feet do not feel lighter but I will continue to use it."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: Various products are sold on the internet. I purchased this product even though it was expensive. I think a cheap product may not work.

Detailed review: The adhesive sheet is thin and soft. It would be great if it were thicker and harder. I used this product for 2 days. The soles become sticky but the feet do not feel lighter. I will continue to use it.
No.3221 Ms. M.A, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-11-07

"I can sleep well as it makes the soles warm. "

I am happy because: I had used a sole patch supplied by another company. That company introduced me to this product. Thank you for your prompt shipment. I can sleep well as it makes the soles warm. It helps to keep the head cool and the feet warm. Swelling has gone down. Knee pain has eased. I can get up as soon as I wake up. I was using another sheet. It was hard to peel it off as it was thin. This one firmly sticks. Thank you.
No.3220 Ms. S.N, Fukuoka, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-11-04

"The calves felt lighter. The feet feel less sluggish."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: You provide clear product info. You offer a lower price than others.

Detailed review: My husband went to hospital as he had pain in his soles. I purchased this product as his symptoms did not improve. He stuck the patches and then the calves felt lighter in the 1st morning. The pain has eased and the feet feel less sluggish. This product is great as you can stick it onto the back/shoulders as well as to the soles. I have tried another product supplied by another company. I did not purchase it again as the price was high. I would be happier if you included a free wipe sheet. I recommend this product to my friends.
No.3205 Ms. M.S, Osaka, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-09-13

"The feet felt light in the 1st morning. I am glad to find this great product. "

I am happy because: I had been suffering from swelling of the feet especially the calves and stiffness in the soles for many years. I found similar products at a drug store and I was about to purchase one of them. I googled "swelling of feet" and found this product along with positive reviews. Honestly, I was skeptical. Sorry! Anyway, I purchased this product for the 1st time.

I stuck 6 sheets in total to the both feet (3 sheets each). I found the sheets were sticky when I woke up in the 1st/2nd/3rd morning. The feet felt light in the 1st morning. It was easier to walk. I did Shiatsu massage and then the symptoms disappeared.

The sheet smells when I peel it off. However, it convinces me that it works. The brown color shows me that toxic substances have been released from the body. I am glad to find this great product.

I am not sure if I will purchase this product on a regular basis. You did not advise me to do so and I purchased it just to try. Of course, I will continue this treatment if I can afford. I am so glad to purchase the tourmaline detox sole patch.

The white paper is not so small that I can easily stick it to the sole. It does not peel off as it is sticky enough. I would be happier if it were more affordable. However, it might not work well if the price were lower.

Other comments: It smells when I peel it off. However, I think it shows that it works.
No.3199 Ms. M.T, Nagano, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-09-07

"I feel refreshed the next morning as toxic substances are released. "

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: This package contains many sheets and it is offered at a low price.

Detailed review: My feet started to feel tired as I got older. I had used this product once. It was very good. I could not find the same product again. I asked my daughter to google it and I eventually got it. I feel refreshed mentally and physically the next morning as toxic substances are released. I can actually see the released substances. I will purchase it again after I use it up.
No.3195 Ms. A.T, Tochigi, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-08-21

"I was amazed as the patch stuck to the sole was very dirty."

I am happy because: I had pain in the sole. I googled and found this product. I ordered it to try out. In the beginning, I was amazed as the patch stuck to the sole was very dirty when I woke up in the morning. This is my 2nd order. The sole is still dirty. (:- I am not sure if it is working but I will continue to use it.

Other comments: It smells.
No.3139 Ms. K.O, Nara, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-05-29

"I find sticky and clear sap the next morning."

Thank you for offering great service. I find sticky and clear sap the next morning. I am wondering if the ingredients of this detox sole patch are different from those of the one I purchased last time?? I think both of them work fine though.

[From Ion Trading] Thank you for your feedback. The ingredients have not changed since you last purchased in Dec 2018. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
No.3125 Ms. M.M, Kanagawa, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-05-10

"It helps to relieve fatigue of the feet and swelling goes away."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I have used this product before. It worked.

Detailed review: I found this product at a shop and bought it when sole patches were not popular. I had to walk during work. The feet often got so tired that I could not continue to stand up. I also suffered from swelling. This is why I purchased this product.

I wanted to buy this one but I could not find it at the shop. I tried products supplied by other companies but I was not happy with them and then I discontinued this therapy. Recently, I started stand-up work again. I googled and purchased it.

I am happy because: It helps to relieve fatigue of the feet and swelling goes away.

Other comments: I think this is because a lot of toxic substances are released. The futon gets sticky as the substances ooze from the patch. You can design a new patch so that they do not ooze.
No.3109 Ms M.M, Fukuoka, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2019-04-22

"I gradually find effects."

I have not used up the product. This is my first try. I gradually find effects. It took longer to receive the package than I had expected. Actually, it arrived when I was wondering if I would really receive it.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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