Measures negative ions generated especially by natural ores and ceramics. Good for product promotion and R&D. Wide measurement range up to 199,900 (pcs/cc).
Product Number: EB-17
Price: US$1700.00 & FREE Shipping (not included customs tax)
Natural ores and ceramics, that emit radiation, such as Radium, Monazite and Silica.
Please note: This ion counter/tester cannot measure negative ions if a sample does NOT emit radiation.
e.g. It cannot measure negative ions generated by an electric discharge type negative ion generator.
You can use an air suction type air ion counter in that case.
It helps us to promote our products because the figures it provides convince customers!
I have just purchased this product as it was suggested by a friend of mine. The figures it provides gives a better and clear understanding of materials, which is great for promoting our products. I am happy with this ion counter. Read more
No.239 Mr. S.U, Hyogo, Japan
Verified user
Reviewed before 2009
4 / 5-stars
It helped us to decide which materials to use!
We are researching new building materials. The figures provided by the ion counter helped us to understand materials properties in order to decide which ones to use. We are now planning to order the air ion counter (air suction type). Thank you for this great product. Read more
No.398 Mr. B.C, Selangor, Malaysia
Verified user
Reviewed before 2009
5 / 5-stars
The meter is simple and easy to use with hassle free maintenance needed!
I am very glad to purchase the Ore Ion counter recently for my own research in negative ion project. The meter is simple and easy to use with hassle free maintenance needed. Now i have a clearer picture and better understanding on the negative ion produce from my research project with the help of the ion counter. I will definitely introduce to my co-workers to purchase this meter as well. Read more
No.852 Mr. B.C, Selangor, Malaysia
Verified user
Reviewed on 2010-04-03
4 / 5-stars
Easy to use ion tester, it provide me with more information and data!
I am happy on your easy to use ion tester and it provide me with more information and data on the ion products that i am doing research on. Read more
No.1704 Mr. S.S, Hyogo, Japan
Verified user
Reviewed on 2013-03-25
5 / 5-stars
I am happy because it helps me to convince customers as it shows the actual ion counts.
I am happy because: We design rooms where you can have hormesis effects. This product helps me to convince potential customers as it shows the actual ion counts. I decided to purchase it when I called you because you provided a clear explanation about the product.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product.
Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
How to use
1.Turn on
2.Measurement in progress
Push the "POWER" button for 2 seconds to turn on. Measurement starts after the 5 seconds warm up.
"---" blinks while the measurement is in progress. The LED light and the detection sound intensify as the ion count increases.
The average negative ion count is displayed in 10 sec.
a) The image below shows the ion count (150pcs/cc) with no radioactive ore.
b) The image below shows the ion count (12573pcs/cc) with a sheet made with a radium ore.
Note: The detector on the back side of the body has to maintain contact with ores while the measurement is in progress.
2 measurement modes
Average mode --- The average negative ion count per 10 sec.
Accumulation mode --- The accumulated ion count since the measurement started.
Measures Negative Ions Generated Especially by Natural Ores & Ceramics
The Air Ion Counter Tester EB-17 measures negative ions generated especially by natural ores and ceramics, that emit radiation, such as Radium, Monazite and Silica.
Good for Product Promotion and R&D
It is good for product promotion and R&D as it shows actual ion counts on the LCD.
Provides a Stable Measurement
✔ Less likely to be affected by air flow
Ion counts measured by air suction type counter can be affected by air flow as they suck air to detect negative ions.
The Air Ion Counter Tester EB-17 does not suck air but detects radiation and converts it into the negative ion count, so it is less likely to be affected by air flow.
This is why it provides a stable measurement.
✔ The highly accurate detector (Geiger-Müller tube)
The highly accurate detector (Geiger-Müller tube) (*1), that meets NASA requirements, detects radiation and it converts it to the negative ion count.
(*1) The GM (Geiger-Müller) tube measures an amount of radiation. When a radiation is released, the ambient air is ionized and then negative ions are generated.
The amount of negative ions increases in proportion to the amount of the radiation. This instrument uses this theory to calculate the ion count.
Light/Sound to Show You Ion Count Fluctuation
The intensity of the light/sound change as the ion count fluctuates during measurement. You can visually and acoustically convince your customer.
The LED light on the upper side of the body and the detection sound intensify as the ion count increases. You can find how the ion count fluctuates intuitively. Good for product promotion in front of your customer!
Actual LED light and Detection soundPlay time: 0:15/with sound
Wide Range, Battery-Operated Lightweight and Compact Body
It measures up to 199,900(pcs/cc), so it is good for most of natural ores and ceramics.
It runs on 4x AA batteries. The compact body weighs approx. only 330g and it fits your palm. Ion tester good for outdoor use!
Package Contents
Air ion counter
Radium sheet for test operation
Soft case* (* The case may differ from the image)
4x AA Alkaline battery for test operation
Instruction manual
Warranty card
Part Names & View of the EB-17
Right side panel
Back side panel
View of the EB-17
Q & A
(1) Is there an ideal distance between the detector and ores?
The detector has to maintain contact with ores during the measurement process.
(2) How is the accuracy of this product compared to air suction type ion counters?
It is similar to that of highly accurate air suction type ion counters.
Please note: The EB-17 can handle ores which are smaller than the detector effective area (15.5cm2) (2.3 in2).
(3) How long does it take to collect ion count data?
It takes 10 sec in the Average mode.
You can start another measurement by pushing the "RESET" button.
The counter continues to display the accumulated ion count in the Accumulation mode.
(4) Does it have warm up after the counter is turned on?
Yes, it has 5 seconds warm up.
(5) Do I have to calibrate the counter during operation?
No, you don't have to.
(6) Can I measure ion densities in water?
No, you can't. This ion counter measures ion densities in the air only.
(7) Can I measure positive ions?
No, you can't.
(8) What is the lowest ion density this counter can measure?
It is 1 (pcs/cc).
Please note: 0-200 negative ion molecules per 1cc exist naturally in the air,
so ion counts in this range are just for your reference only.
(9) Does this counter measure small ions?
Yes, it does. The EB-17 detects negative ions generated when the air is ionized by radiation. And those ions are regarded as small ions.
(10) Do I have to do maintenance work?
No, you don't have to.
(11) What is the difference between an ion counter for ores and a counter for other than ores?
Here is the difference.
For ores:
A counter can measure negative ions only when a sample emits radiation.(*2)
It is good for Silica, Monazite and radium ores.
It provides stable measurement because it detects radiation and converts it to the negative ion count, so measurement is not affected by air flow.
It does not work when a sample does not emit radiation.
*2: Ions are generated by ionization of radiation.
For other than ores:
A counter can measure negative ions even when a sample does not emit radiation.
It is also good for Silica, Monazite and radium ores which emit radiation. i.e It does not matter if a sample emits radiation or not. However, measurement can be affected by air flow.
(12) What are the differences between the EB-17 and the COM-3010PROX?
1. While the EB17 completes measurement in approx. 10 seconds, the COM-3010PROX completes in approx. 20 seconds.
2. The EB-17 covers negative ion counts of up to 199,900(pcs/cc), while the COM-3010PROX covers only up to 99,999(pcs/cc).