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Stylish Germanium Necklace - Germacy 40cm/50cm (15.7"/19.6")

4.4 (82 reviews)
US$149.51 Purchase

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No.1010 Ms. M.Y, Fukui, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2011-02-14

"I like the simple design. I hope neck stiffness will improve!"

I am happy because: I found this necklace when I was searching for a stylish one which would help to alleviate terrible neck stiffness. I finally found this one on the internet and decided to purchase it because I liked the simple design. I have not found an effect yet because I have just started to wear it.

I am not happy because: It would be great if it were easier to take it off.
No.4099 Mr. A.S, Texas, United States
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2009-06-29

"Would buy this again, and recommend this product for minor pain."

A friend gave me this necklace to help with a minor neck pain, and miraculously cured the pain. I'm a big believer in the necklace now and just bought a new one to replace my old one (lost). The purchasing process and delivery were timely and perfect. Would buy this again, and recommend this product for minor pain.
No.633 Ms. Y.M, Chiba, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2009-07-17

"It did not take a day before our my neck started to feel better. I also enjoy better sleep!"

My husband has been suffering from back/shoulder ache for more than a year. He often woke up in the middle of night because of the pain. It was clinically diagnosed as frozen shoulder and the doctor prescribed a poultice and pain killer. The pain did not improve at all. I had shoulder stiffness caused by the menopause. It improved but has worsened again. I found that germanium may work for these symptoms. I have finally found the Germacy on the internet and ordered the Combo with the hope of germanium effects. I started to wear it as soon as I received it. It did not take a day before our necks started to feel better. We continue to wear except when bathing. We cannot do without germanium! We also enjoy better sleep. I recommended this product to a friend of mine as her husband had sleeping problems. She purchased it and let her husband try. He now enjoys sound sleep. We are all happy with this affordable product.
No.3870 Mr. K.N, Wakayama, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-06-17

"We are so happy with this stylish necklace. "

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I thought you would offer better service than other online shops.

Detailed review: I and my wife have been suffering from terrible neck stiffness. We are not interested in an ornament. I googled and found this product. The 40/50 cm long models were not available during the Christmas time and we almost gave up.

We purchased this necklace as soon as the 40/50 cm long models became available. We have just started to wear it. We are so happy with this stylish necklace.
No.986 Ms. N.I, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2010-12-29

"I used to suffer shoulder/neck stiffness. Nothing worked but this necklace has alleviated the symptoms!"

I am happy because: I found that the pain in the shoulder was alleviated on the 1st day. I was so impressed because the testimonials on your website were true! However, I was worried that the chronicle pain might come back...

A few days later, I confirmed that it had been relieved. Nothing worked for the shoulder/neck stiffness but this necklace has alleviated the symptoms. I wish I had found it earlier! I also like the stylish design.

I am not happy because: I am using the 40cm version. It is not easy to take it off without looking into the mirror.

Other comments: I am also interested in other products you carry. I am going to purchase some of them.

[From Ion Trading] Thank you for your feedback. We will consider a new clasp to enable you to take off easily.
No.3865 Ms. Mizuho Hiroho, Horoshima, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-06-07

"The actual product is very stylish as I expected."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I was searching for a germanium necklace. I decided to go ahead with this model as it looked stylish.

Detailed review: I have been suffering from terrible neck stiffness. I was wearing a germanium necklace supplied by P company. I was searching for a new germanium necklace as my birthday was coming up. I decided to go ahead with this model as it looked stylish.

The actual product is very stylish as I expected. It has been easy to put on but it was not easy to take off when I started to wear it about 2 weeks ago. I soon got used to it though. The symptoms of the neck stiffness have not improved yet.
No.848 Ms. N.N, Osaka, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2010-03-05

"It is so stylish and my neck stiffness has improved!"

I am happy because: I like this necklace because it is so stylish. My neck stiffness has improved. I no longer have pain in the shoulder. Thank you!

I am not happy because: I purchased this 40cm long necklace. It would be great if it were 45cm because 50cm is a little bit too long.

[From Ion Trading] Thank you for your feedback and comment. We will consider other lengths.
No.906 Mr. K.M, Hokkaido, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2010-06-18

"Neck stiffness has improved. I like the stylish snap-fit clasp!"

I was searching for a magnetic necklace as stiffness of the neck started to annoy me. I finally found this Germacy. This necklace is classically designed and does not look luxurious, so I can wear it at the office. The neck stiffness has improved. The stylish snap-fit clasp goes with any outfit. Thank you for the great shopping experience.
No.1002 Mr. M.M, Kagawa, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2011-01-31

"This necklace is nice because it is good for men/women and it does not look cheap!"

The product is more stylish than I expected and it goes with any outfit. It is also nice because it is good for men/women and it does not look cheap. I bought 2 pcs to enjoy the discount.

I found another shop carrying a similar product but the price was higher than yours. I am wondering why similar products are sold at different prices. Neck stiffness has not improved so far but I am happy with this necklace.

[From Ion Trading] Thank you for your feedback. Every shop has its own pricing policy depending on the cost and profit.
No.637 Mr. S.T, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2009-08-03

"My neck stiffness has gone. It matches well with a T-shirt!"

This necklace is stylish and matches well with a T-shirt. My neck stiffness has gone.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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