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Tourmaline Biseki EX Cream (80g)

4.1 (433 reviews)
US$138.61 Purchase

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No.1576 Ms. K.H, Saitama, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-10-15

"Pain has eased a little. "

I am happy because: I finally decided to purchase this product. Pain has eased a little. I still need to have medical treatment once a week at an orthopedic hospital in order to remove fluid. However, this is a great product.

I am not happy because: I would be happier if it contained more cream at the same price.
No.1575 Ms. A.I, Hokkaido, Japan
Verified user
2 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-10-15

"Knee pain has not eased."

I found this product when I was searching for cream for my mother's knee pain. I purchased it as I saw a post saying it is good for knee pain. However, the pain has not eased.
No.1567 Ms. K.T, Kanagawa, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-10-01

"Knee and ankle pain is easing!"

Reason(s) why I purchased: Recently, I gained weight fast as I often ate too much due to eating disorders and the cooled air from the air conditioner caused knee pain.

Effect(s) and Problem(s) solved by the product: I do not apply it everyday in order to see the difference. My ankles often stiffened when I woke up and I had to walk like an old lady until it eased. I can walk normally and I have no pain. I think it will take sometime. However, the knee and ankle pain is gradually easing.

I am not happy because: It is not easy to remove the spatula attached to the inner lid. It may be OK for young generations though. My mother was about to insert her fingers as she could not remove the spatula when I let her try this product. I told her not to use the fingers because unwanted bacteria could be mixed with the cream! It would be great if it were more user friendly. An old person has a weaker grip.

Other comments: None
No.1563 Mr. H.M, Kanagawa, Japan
Verified user
2 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-09-25

"It works well as skin cream but it does not work for knee pain. "

I am happy because: I purchased this product because I hoped knee pain would ease. Eventually, it turned out to be expensive skin cream.

I am not happy because: It works well as skin cream. I am wondering if this product really eases knee pain??

Other comments: I really thought I should not purchase online. I am disappointed at the performance.
No.1556 Ms. A.K, Okinawa, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-09-18

"I am happy because knee pain eases!"

I found this product when I was searching for a remedy for knee pain. I decided to try it and then placed the order. I am happy with this tourmaline BISEKI EX cream because the knee pain eases after applying it.
No.1549 Ms. S.K, Akita, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-09-03

"Knee pain has not eased but the skin is moisturized!"

I am happy because: I read your newsletter and testimonials and purchased this product for knee pain. It is comfortable to use. I have used more than 1/2 of the cream but the pain has not eased yet. I tried applying it to the face and found that the skin was moisturized the next morning. I hope it will work for the knee pain.

I am not happy because: 30g runs out quickly. I will get disappointed if I use it up before it starts to work for the knee pain. It is not an affordable product! It took longer than other shops to receive the product after I placed the order.
No.1547 Mr. Y.S, Hyogo, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-08-31

"I purchased it for knee pain. I also apply it to the face because it spreads well and I feel comfortable!"

I am happy because: I purchased this tourmaline cream as I often had knee pain in winter. I also apply it to other parts of the body such as the face after washing because it spreads well and I feel comfortable. I will order this skin care product again as I use it all year long even though it is expensive.

I am not happy because: I would be glad if you offered discounts to repeat customers.
No.1545 Ms. H.A, Gunma, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-08-10

"My skin has tightened!"

I purchased this product from you because I thought you would offer a good customer service. I feel my skin has tightened.
No.1539 Ms. N.S, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-08-10

"I am so impressed because knee pain went away in 2-3 days!"

I had terrible knee pain after childbirth. I just applied a poultice because a bone abnormality was not observed at an orthopedic hospital. I found this product on the internet and then placed the order immediately. I have just started this treatment. The knee pain went away in 2-3 days. Honestly, I am so impressed with the tourmaline effect. I enjoy applying the cream everyday. I will get another pot to give to my grandmother as she has knee pain.
No.1530 Ms. S.Y, Hokkaidou, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-08-03

"Knee pain has eased. I was skeptical but I am impressed with the tourmaline effect!"

I am happy because: I purchased this tourmaline cream for knee pain. I was skeptical in the beginning but I am now impressed with the tourmaline effect. The pain eased on the 1st day. It was like a miracle. I have been using this product for about 2 weeks. I am afraid the pain may come back but it has not so far. This tourmaline treatment is quick and easy. You only need to apply the cream once every night.

I am not happy because: It would be great if it came with a spatula for sanitary reasons.

Other comments: It would be great if you could offer sample sized cream(s) so that customers can try first.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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