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Tourmaline Biseki EX Cream (80g)

4.1 (433 reviews)
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No.1436 Ms. Y.S, Hyogo, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-04-11

"I often had terrible knee pain in winter but the knees were fine this year!"

I am happy because: I often had terrible knee pain in winter but the knees were fine this year. The reviews on your website have proven to be true.

I am not happy because: I would be glad if you could offer a discount to repeat customers because this product is expensive.
No.1421 Ms. Y.H, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-03-26

"I feel my knee pain is easing!"

I purchased this product for knee pain. I feel the pain is easing but I am not sure if the BISEKI EX Cream is working or not. My mother has started to use it as she also has knee pain. I have started to apply it to my back as I have back pain. I will continue to use the cream as it may be working. I will purchase a larger pot once I use up this one. I will be able to give you clearer feedback by then. I hope the pain will go away.
No.1418 Mr. K.Y, Hyogo, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-03-26

"I have gonarthrosis. I will continue to use this cream. "

I am 84 years old and I have gonarthrosis. The symptoms are worsening. I cannot walk well because of severe pain in my left knee. I have been doing some exercises to build muscle for a few months but the symptoms have not improved.

I decided to purchase the tourmaline Biseki EX cream after reading some reviews because I thought it might work. I apply it to the front/back side of my knees everyday after bathing. I would apply it to the ankles and the top of the feet if it were more affordable. I have not found a significant effect yet as I started this treatment about 10 days ago. I will continue to use it because I believe it will work.
No.1415 Ms. M.T, Hiroshima, Japan
Verified user
2 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-03-23

"He started the treatment as soon as he received it. He has not found an effect yet. "

My husband found the tourmaline Biseki EX cream when he was searching for a remedy for back pain. He decided to purchase it after reading reviews. He started the treatment as soon as he received it. He has not found an effect yet. He was wondering if facial cream would really work for back pain?? He has not used it since his chiropractitioner said it would work a little bit "at most".
No.1413 Ms. M.S, Kyoto, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-03-23

"My jaw line has been sharpened and the cheek has been lifted since I started to used it 2 weeks ago!"

I am happy because: I found this product by chance when I was searching for a way to lift up my chubby face. I wanted to find an immediate effect, so that it would work within 24 hours. I knew there was not such a product. Anyway, I decided to try this cream.

I was impressed with the tourmaline effect when I looked into the mirror the next day. I found that my cheek had been lifted. I have been applying it and doing massage according to the instruction manual every night since then. It works great on the cheek. I enjoy this treatment because I can see a difference the next morning.

The jaw line has been sharpened and the cheek has been lifted since I started to use it 2 weeks ago. My eyes look bigger. I will continue to use it until I get my "dream face". This cream works much better after applying only lotion. I am happy because the skin condition is good.

I am not happy because: It is not affordable. The manual says "apply plenty". It will run out quickly if I follow the instruction. I want to apply it to the base of the legs, the back of the knees and calves but I now focus on the facial treatment. I want a larger pot.
No.1409 Ms. A.K, Fukushima, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-03-17

"I am impressed because my cheek feels lighter as soon as I started to use it!"

Your website makes a favorable impression because it provides the details about the product. I purchased it for face lifting. I was impressed with the effect because my cheek felt lighter than I had expected as soon as I started to use it. I will continue this tourmaline treatment. I was really lucky to find this great product.
No.1396 Ms. K.S, Wakayama, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-03-09

"My dry skin became so smooth in 2 days. Marionette lines have been removed and the skin around the eyes has been lifted!"

I am happy because: I found this product when I was searching for a remedy for my mother's knee pain. I decided to purchase it as I found reviews saying that it eases pain.
I started to apply this cream to my face/neck first and did massage. I am so happy because I found a tourmaline effect in about 2 days. My dry skin has become so smooth, marionette lines have been removed and the skin around the eyes has been lifted.

I am not happy because: My mother has not found an effect yet as she applies only a small amount to her knees. We would be glad if the price were lower.
No.1395 Ms. H.S, Tokushima, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-03-09

"Swelling of my eyelids went down but the eyelids started to swell up again once I discontinued this treatment!"

I am happy because: I purchased this product to ease swelling of my eyelids. I hoped tourmaline would work. The swelling went down but the eyelids started to swell up again once I discontinued this tourmaline treatment, so I placed this order in a hurry. Yes, tourmaline does work!

I am not happy because: It does not spread well. I would be happier if it were more affordable.
No.1390 Ms. Y.F, Ishikawa, Japan
Verified user
3 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-03-04

"My skin absorbs this cream well! It leaves no sticky feel."

I am happy because: My skin absorbs this cream well. It leaves no sticky feel. I feel refreshed after applying it.

I am not happy because: The cap of the pot came off again. I experienced this problem when I purchased the last pot. There is a cover inside, so the cream does not come out of the pot though. I think it is not glued firmly.

[From Ion Trading] Thank you for your feedback. We will glue it firmly.
No.1385 Ms. R.T, Kanagawa, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2012-03-02

"I am happy because the skin around the eyes/mouth was lifted a week after I started to use it!"

I found a face lifting effect about a week after I started to use this tourmaline cream. Slackened skin, particularly around the eyes/mouth, is lifted. I am so happy. Thank you for this great product.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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