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Tourmaline & Water

Change tap water?

You can make mild and tasty water by putting tourmaline into tap water. It is believed that this is due to a small amount of metal ions (minerals) contained in tourmaline which are dissolved in the water.

You can put tourmaline into a bathtub to enjoy comfortable tourmaline bathing. Many users say that it makes skin smooth and keeps the body warm and even helps to alleviate symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

However, tourmaline does not change water. It is believed that these effects are due to metal ions contained in tourmaline which are dissolved in water.

More negative ions in water

1. Ions in air/water
Some websites and books state that tourmaline water is good for the human body because the number of negative ions increases in the water. However, you have to treat ions in the air and those in water separately in terms of beneficial effects on health regardless of if the number of ions increase.
This is because there is no guarantee that ions in water have the same characteristics as those in the air.

2. Ions in the air are not always the same as in water
Effects on the human body vary depending on the dimensions of ions in the air. It has not been proven that ions in the air and those in water which have the same dimensions have the same effects when absorbed by the human body. This is why you have to treat ions in the air and those in water separately in terms of beneficial effects on health.

3. Theory of air ions not always applicable in water
It has been said that more negative ions have more positive effects on the body. This may be true if ions in water have the same characteristics as those in the air. Theories of air ions are not always applicable to ions in water.

4. In theory and in practice
However, it does not mean tourmaline water does not produce any positive effects. Many beneficial effects on health have actually been reported.

Researchers have focused on beneficial effects on health caused by ions in the air only, so theories are not always applicable to ions in water.
Author: Masaharu Nemoto
(Universal Plan Co., Ltd.)
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