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High-Density Ionizer/Negative Ion Generator - Medical Ion Mini with Ion Detector

4.5 (429 reviews)
US$367.52 Purchase

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No.3851 Mr.S.T, Hyogo, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-05-06

"I had been suffering from sleeping disorders for many years. I dreamed a lot while sleeping. I now dream less than before. "

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: Other companies supply various air purifiers which generate negative ions. Negative ion generators, which emit a lot of negative ions, are designed to be used for medical use. I cannot afford to buy them as they are expensive. I decided to purchase this model as it is affordable/compact and I found positive reviews.

Detailed review: I can install it anywhere as it is compact. I had been suffering from sleeping disorders for many years. I dreamed a lot while sleeping. I now dream less than before.

I purchased another unit for my older brother, who lives in Taiwan, as I found a negative ion effect as soon as I started to use it. Actually, he had the same problems with mine. He also found the effect as soon as he started to use it.
No.3848 Mr.A.M, California, United States
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-07-22

"I am catching up on a lot of sleep and feel more energized on my workday."

Excellent product. I am already seeing the benefits I am catching up on a lot of sleep and feel more energized on my workday. I had a negative ion generator before that buzzed pretty audibly. This was really has NO noise (except if you stick your ear right next to it to hear.)
No.3839 Mr.M.D, Tokyo, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-04-09

"I am not sure if it works for hayfever but it removes pet odors."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I found positive reviews.

Detailed review: I was searching for a new negative ion generator as my old one had got broken. I have hayfever. My nose runs and I sneeze during the midnight hours. I decided to purchase this model as I found positive reviews. I am not sure if it works for hayfever but it removes pet odors. This compact body is great. Thank you!
No.3837 Mr.W.D, British Columbia, Canada
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-06-14

"Not sure the effects yet."

About effects: Try to improve sleep, not sure the effects yet.

Other comments: The unit seems very well built.The ion detector is very handy. Can be used to check other ion generator. I checked one at home, which turned out to be no good.
No.3831 Mr. K.Z, Fukuoka, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-04-02

"I think the air is cleaner and I wake up refreshed."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I decided to go ahead as I read users' reviews.

Detailed review: I purchased the medical ion mini and installed it in my bedroom a few days ago. I think the air is cleaner and I wake up refreshed. I purchased the ion detector for test operation when I purchased the AirTamer G. The detector shows me that the medical ion mini properly works.
No.3829 Mr. J.R, California, United States
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-05-17

"It is helping to provide the relief I need."

Purchase reason: It seems like it is made with the thought of doing what an ion generator is supposed to do. It is just the right size for my room and the ion out put is good. Ozone output is minimal.

About effects: I use the generator in my living room. Occupancy is about 8 to 9 hours each day. I live in an extremely hot desert climate. With dry, windy, low humidity, anddusty winds. The need for additional negative ions is very important.

The Medical Ion Mini (MI-1000-S) Is helping to provide the relief I need. I am 92 years old and in good health and the unit allows me to maintain my ability to function well.

Other comments: I've been using ion generators for about 10 years but they have not been as affective as your product. Thank you.
No.3825 Ms. A.K, Oita, Japan
Verified user
4 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-03-23

"I think it will help to reduce psychological stress. "

I purchased this product to prevent EMI (electromagnetic interference) for my kid. Thank you for providing pros and cons. While there is no paper/data on EMI interference problems, some customers purchase this model to prevent EMI.

I think it is better than doing nothing. Actually, a lot of positive ions are emitted from PC's, smartphones and video game consoles and it is possible that you may feel under the weather. This is why I think negative ions will work. I would not have purchased this device if I do not have a kid. It has been working 24/7 in the kid's room.

I am not sure how it works because I cannot see ions with the naked eye. I think it will help to reduce psychological stress if you are worried about positive ions.
No.3821 Mr. B.V, Manila, Philippines
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-04-23

"The quality of my sleep improves a lot better."

a) the product is functioning perfectly in a rhythmic healthy manner.
b) the smell in my bedroom is fresh and clean.
c) the quality of my sleep improves a lot better.
d) upon waking up in the morning, feeling well rested and energetic.
e) I am confident to recommend this product to my friends and relatives.
No.3817 Ms. K.T, Osaka, Japan
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-03-12

"The smell of cigarette smoke, which flows from my neighbor's balcony, is reduced."

Reason(s) why I purchased from you: I found positive reviews. You offered prompt shipment. The product was packaged well. I am happy with your service.

Detailed review: The smell of cigarette smoke, which flows from my neighbor's balcony, annoyed me. I tried installing this device. The smell is reduced. Actually, I was not happy with the distinctive smell which negative ions produced. I am OK now and I sleep well every night.
No.3811 Dr. M.S, Queensland, Australia
Verified user
5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed on 2022-04-02

"The air near the ioniser is clean and I believe reduces mould and bacteria."

Purchase reason: The ioniser has one of the biggest traveling distance for ions that I have seen. It is very well built and the delivery was prompt, I think this is a good company to buy from.

About effects: The ioniser helps with the elimination of allergenic reaction to pets.The air near the ioniser is clean and I believe reduces mould and bacteria.
[Please note]
Customer Reviews on this page are just for your reference and they do not guarantee the efficacy/performance of the product. Please consult a doctor if you need medical treatment. Customer Reviews written in Japanese are translated into English by Ion Trading.
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